Join us for private readings with Rev Dr Philip DeLong. $20 for 15 mins, $40 for 30 mins, $80 for 60 mins. Office 207-474-0124 or Philip 386-453-9356
Rev. Dr. Philip DeLong is an Ordained Minister with the International Association of Metaphysics (I.A.M.) and a Certified Spiritual Counselor (Medium), Spiritual Healing Practitioner and Teacher through I.A.M. He is also Ordained through the Lively Stones World Healing Fellowship and has been bestowed a Doctor of Ministry degree from the Lively Stones Fellowship. Philip is a member of the Cassadaga Spiritualist Camp, Cassadaga, Florida where he is a Certified Medium, Healer, and Teacher in Cassadaga. He is a member of Temple Heights Spiritual Camp, NSAC, in Northport, Maine.