NSAC Declaration of Principles
As adopted by the National Spiritualist Association of Churches
Principles 1-6 adopted in Chicago, Illinois – 1899
Principles 7-8 adopted in Rochester, New York – 1909
Principle 9 adopted in St. Louis, Missouri – 1944
Principle 9 revised in Oklahoma City – 1983
Principle 9 revised in Westfield, New Jersey – 1998
Principle 8 revised in Rochester, New York – 2001
- We believe in Infinite Intelligence.
- We believe that the phenomena of Nature, both physical and spiritual, are the expression of Infinite Intelligence.
- We affirm that a correct understanding of such expression and living in accordance therewith constitute true religion.
- We affirm that the existence and personal identity of the individual continue after the change called death.
- We affirm that communication with the so-called dead is a fact, scientifically proven by the phenomena of Spiritualism.
- We believe that the highest morality is contained in the Golden Rule: “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.”
- We affirm the moral responsibility of individuals, and that we make our own happiness or unhappiness as we obey or disobey Nature’s physical and spiritual laws.
- We affirm that the doorway to reformation is never closed against any soul here or hereafter.
- We affirm that the precepts of Prophecy and Healing are Divine attributes proven through