Join us and guest medium Rev Cathy Sabine for our continuity of life church service.
Rev. Catherine Sabine MEd, NST is a Micmac Indian, and a graduate of the Native American Leadership Program at Pennsylvania State University, where she acquired her Master’s Degree in Education.
She is also a former Big Cove First Nation Sundancer, a sweat lodge keeper and a people’s pipe carrier. She is an elder and former Tribal Council Member for her Native community, The Aroostook Band of Micmac Indian. Her mother was a medium and her Micmac father was an herbal healer of Sacred Medicine.
She is an Ordained Minister, Commissioned Healer, National Spiritualist Teacher and is a Missionary with the National Spiritualist Association of Churches. She has served as a Missionary since 2013. She is a trustee on the Maine State Spiritualist Association of Churches. She serves churches and camps throughout New England as an Inspirational speaker, healer, and medium serving to prove continuity of life.
She is the founder, president, and pastor of the Spiritualist Church of Eternal Life, in Sabattus, Maine. She chaired and initiated the writing of the Bylaws, became incorporated, received state and federal tax exemptions, and achieved the church charter within 90 days.
At the NSAC Annual Convention 2013 held in California, she received the High Achievement Award for founding the Spiritualist Church of Eternal Life, in Sabattus, Maine. As president, she chairs all board meetings and committees.
She serves churches and camps throughout New England as an Inspirational speaker, healer, and as a medium. She teaches classes spreading the knowledge of Spiritualism, as a religion, philosophy and science. Catherine is available for individual readings, gallery readings, and Mediumship parties. She teaches numerous workshops on Spiritualism and has done a weekly Unfoldment class, since 2008.
She has served as a Family Advocacy Counselor, Group Therapist, Alcohol and Drug Treatment Specialist, Marriage and Family Therapist and a mental Health Counselor from 1971, until her retirement. She has lived and worked in two military hospitals in Naples,, Italy and Yokosuka, Japan.
She is the mother of six children with many grandchildren and great-great children, and lives with her husband Richard Sabine Sr. in Lewiston, Maine.