Join us for private readings by appointment with Diane Whiton, MPI. $20 for 15 mins, $40 for 30 mins, $80 for 60 mins. Office 207-474-0124 or Graham 207-318-9037.
Diane Whiton Biography:
Awareness of the Psychic, Healing, and Spirit world came early for Diane Lewis Whiton. Having both parents with these gifts that were passed down for many generations, she grew up in a family that could regularly connect with passed love ones and others, facilitate healing, as well as often knowing the outcome of various situations. Not until grade school did she realize that her abilities made her an anomaly. With the support of her father, a Unitarian Universalist Minister, her mother, and grandmothers, she (quietly) continued using her gift.
She first connected with a Spiritualist church for a short time in her mid-teens, reconnecting with Spiritualism in 2016. She has been a member of the Portland Spiritualist Church for the past 3 years, serving the platform there (Interesting note, it was her father’s church in Westbrook that housed the Portland church for their evening meetings for many years.) She has also served the Augusta Spiritualist Church during the Pandemic, via Zoom. (Just another type of energetic connection!).
An eager learner, Diane has participated in classes, workshops, and development circles in order to “add more tools to the toolbox”. She is currently a student of the Morris Pratt Institute, working towards her credentials in Healing, Mediumship, and Ministership.
Diane has also been approached by animals seeking solutions to situations and she has been able to successfully communicate their needs to their humans. Her strengths also provide comfort and support with her in-home care career. Sharing comfort in the continuity of life; sharing healing energy with others; sharing the awareness that the Light of Infinite Intelligence brings, this is Diane’s path.